I have experienced some of the most magical moments being out here in Kona, HI with my soul sister, Sally. This has been quite an experience all around.
The Big Island is magical all in itself. The trees and the flowers, all of the greenery is gorgeous. The dolphins and tropical fish along with the little furry creatures and birds we’ve seen are so cool. The landscapes created by lava…the smoothness of the lava rocks and the rocky terrain. The way the people respect this land and how they are so welcoming to those of us visiting. Our 2nd night here we had already made friends who I see being in our lives forever. Shoot, I’m ready to move out here haha.
We were told when we got here to make sure we say hello to the goddess Pele (goddess of fire). She is who created the islands. Every morning, I’ve woken up and just laid in bed listening to the ocean. Taking it all in and saying hello to Pele. I’ve thanked her for letting us enjoy all this beautiful land she’s created. Yesterday I woke up, thanked her and asked her if she could show me dolphins. And that she did. We had an entire school of dolphins swim and play right in front of our condo. I sat on the lanai (the porch) and took in how magical and beautiful these creatures are.
The peace I feel being here is beyond what I expected. I knew that coming here would be a great exhale from the struggles I have in my life, but I did not realize how much of an emotional and great exhale this would be. To share this with my soul sister is even more amazing. Everyday I feel I have learned something more about myself. More of what I want in life, how I see things and how I deal with things. I’ve learned to take in every little moment I have of peace and quiet to enjoy the beauty of the world we live in. I’ve learned to take a moment to be grateful for everything that’s been given to us. I’ve also learned that we need to respect the land we live on. It was a blessing given to us…every rain drop, every colorful flower, everything. This life is a blessing.
So today, no matter where in the world you are, my biggest advice to you is to sit down. Take in this quiet moment and the beauty that surrounds you. Take a minute to stop living life like a robot and be thankful for what we’ve been given. Live life to the fullest. And exhale.